Thursday, September 8, 2011

a little more about me

I have been married to the most amazing man in the world for 6 years. My husband, JT, is the associate and youth pastor at Grace Tabernacle. He is probably one of the most dedicated men I have ever known, to his wife, his kids, his schooling, his work, and most importantly his calling. God has used so many experiences throughout both of our lives to shape us into the individuals we are today. 
Yes, I mentioned kids, we have been blessed with 4 beautiful children. The oldest is Seth, 11, who JT was blessed with from a previous relationship long ago. He is such a joy to have around , when he is not here the house is just not the same. I was blessed to have Seth come into my world when he was 3 years old. He has always been wild and crazy and full of laughter and goofy faces, and still is that way, but always such a joy. Isaac, our 4 year old, is well, Isaac. He lights up the room when he walks in, never meeting a stranger and going out of his way to let everyone know that he is here. He really is a true goofball. He , like any 4 yr old, has his moments, but truly is an amazing little boy, there really is no other words to describe him, just amazing. Last, but not least, is our precious twin baby girls, who graced us with their presence on April 3, 2011. Moriah and Hannah are, honestly said, the most beautiful little girls I have ever laid my eyes on. Their smiles light up my life. They are 2 amazing gifts from God. I look at them and they remind me that I do not deserve any of this. 

Here lately my days sure have had to change, with now having twins and having to get up and get Isaac ready for school everyday, but I would not trade it for anything. I love watching all of them grow and learn new things. I only pray that the Lord would help me treat all of these precious gifts with great love and care. 

1 comment:

  1. you are such an awesome mommy. and i agree your twinnies are the most gorgeous girls ever!
